quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008

Vai na volta...

Ora boas tardes!

Aqui á dias, tava eu em casa da minha avó lá para o meio do Alentejo perdido, e decidi comer um gelado. Mas não um qualquer! Era de uma embalagem de 12 gelados comprados a uma carrinha da Family Frost que costuma vaguear por aquelas bandas. Pois qual não é o meu espanto quando, ao tirar o gelado da embalagem e olhar para ele, reparo que ele possui testículos (ou não fosse 'gelado' uma palavra masculina...). E não estou a brincar...senão vejam:

E, ao dar de caras com esta cena, a primeira coisa que pensei foi exactamente esta: "Fodasse se eu tivesse nos States processava já a Family Frost e ganhava umas massas!". E é precisamente isso que me traz aqui hoje. Quem não conhece passa a conhecer...mas aposto que já todos ouviram falar nos Stella Awards. Basicamente é uma espécie de prémios para os processos judiciais mais estapafúrdios da América. Para os mais curiosos podem ver os vencedores de 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 e 2002. E para não parecer mal, aqui ficam alguns dos que mais gostei:

3º em 2002:

In 1997 Bob Craft, then 39, of Hot Springs, Montana, changed his name to Jack Ass. Now, he says that MTV's TV show and movie "Jackass" was "plagiarized" from him, infringes his trademarks and copyrights, and that this has demeaned, denigrated and damaged his public image. No attorney would take the case, so he has filed suit on his own against MTV's corporate parent, demanding $50 million in damages. If nothing else, Jack Ass has proved he chose his name well.

5º em 2002:

Utah prison inmate Robert Paul Rice, serving 1-15 years on multiple felonies, sued the Utah Department of Corrections claiming the prison was not letting him practice his religion: "Druidic Vampire". Rice claimed that to do that, he must be allowed sexual access to a "vampress". In addition, the prison isn't supplying his specific "vampiric dietary needs" (yes: blood). Records show that Rice registered as a Catholic when he was imprisoned in 2000. "Without any question we do not have conjugal visits in Utah," said a prison spokesman when the suit was thrown out. Which just goes to prove prison life sucks.

7º em 2005:
Bob Dougherty. A prankster smeared glue on the toilet seat at the Home Depot store in Louisville, Colo., causing Dougherty to stick to it when he sat down. "This is not Home Depot's fault," he proclaimed, yet the store graciously offered him $2,000 anyway. Dougherty complained the offer is "insulting" and filed suit demanding $3 million.

6º em 2005:
Barbara Connors of Medfield, Mass. Connors was riding in a car driven by her 70-year-old son-in-law when they crashed into the Connecticut River, and Connors sank with the car. Rescue divers arrived within minutes and got her out alive, but Connors suffered brain damage from her near-drowning. Sue the driver? Sure, we guess that's reasonable. But she also sued the brave rescue workers who risked their lives to save hers.

E pronto...vejam o resto pois vale a pena xD

vcy athen! *** ou/e [[[]]]

MOTW: ACDC - Touch Too Much

(óbvio que fui buscar outro gelado...)

3 comentários:

An0rMaL_DoX6070 disse...

Ainda me estou a rir do 7º em 2005! LOOOOOOOOOOL

An0rMaL_DoX6070 disse...

De toda a família (Family Frost), calhou-te o pai! xD

Di disse...


ainda me tou a rir do comentario do nogueira

e so 1 cena:


2006 #5: Marcy Meckler. While shopping at a mall, Meckler stepped outside and was "attacked" by a squirrel that lived among the trees and bushes. And "while frantically attempting to escape from the squirrel and detach it from her leg, [Meckler] fell and suffered severe injuries," her resulting lawsuit says. That's the mall's fault, the lawsuit claims, demanding in excess of $50,000, based on the mall's "failure to warn" her that squirrels live outside.